Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Irony III

Early this summer a notorious abortionist from Wichita, Kansas, was murdered in his own church on a Sunday morning. The outrage and condemnation was swift from those against abortion and those for it. However, there is great irony in the fact that those in favor of murdering innocent little babies have never once raised even a smidgeon of outrage over the murder of any of the babies Dr. Tiller killed, even if that baby was brutally killed one hour or one day before she/he was to be born.

Dr. Tiller had no conscience when it came to the murder of babies. He and other "doctors" of death are responsible for tens of thousands of killings each year and yet the silence over these indefensible murders is more than deafening. Killing Dr. Tiller was not and is not the way to put a stop to the infanticide that is the practice du jour in so-called civilized societies. But what will it take for these murderers of the innocent to finally realize what their scalpels, scrapers, and vaccum machines are really doing?

Generations and generations of skilled workers, loving parents, farmers, teachers, doctors, researchers, journalists; tax payers, social security tax payers; etc. have been wiped out, cut to pieces simply because they were seen as a burden; simply because it just wasn't convienent; and yes, simply because the church is not always ready to stand with and support the girl/woman who finds herself pregnant, alone, afraid, homeless, and penniless.

Even as we attempt to raise the lonely voice of protest against baby murder, let us also renew ourselves to being on the front lines of helping those who need help; praying for those who do the murdering; and helping the murderers escape their life of despair.

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