Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Record lows for the U.S. dollar...record highs for oil...stock market drops...wow, what a distressing past few weeks. Since we arrived in Europe the dollar has fallen precipitously, oil has skyrocketed, and now we get to pay around $7.00 a gallon for diesel for our car! What a privilege! But, when I begin to fret, feel sorry for ourselves, or lose sleep about this, I am quietly reminded by the Father that He is in control and that we are exactly where He wants us to be: we cannot control the dollar, we cannot control oil prices, we cannot control stock markets; and even if we/I could we/I would be sure to mess it up badly. So, it is a good thing that God controls these things and even though we would desire and beg for a stronger dollar and cheaper oil, the situation now causes us to depend completely on our Father and not on our cleverness. Yes, we must watch our expenses carefully and guard against frivolous spending, but it is God that controls the overall picture.
This is another posting from $7 a gallon Austria!!

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